solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : USERLIST
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using this command with a grid in the current release.
ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist [-l] [name | id]'
Abbreviation: ul
This command displays a list of users that are currently logged into the database, as well as information about various database operations and settings for each user. The option -l (long) displays a more detailed output.
With and without the -l option, the following information is displayed:
User name: The user name of the connected user.
User Id: The user session identification number (userid) within the database. The lifetime of the userid is that of the user session. After the user logs out, the number can be reused.
Tid: The identification number as a 4-digit code of the current user thread in the server.
Type: Client type. Possible values are:
Java: client uses JDBC
ODBC: client uses ODBC, including solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)
SMA: client uses Shared Memory Access (SMA)
Solcon: client is solidDB Remote Control (solcon)
Machine id: The client computer name (host name) and IP address, if available
Login time: The client computer login timestamp
Client version: The version of the JDBC or ODBC client.
The client version information is not available for solidDB Remote Control (solcon) connections.
For solidDB SQL Editor (solsql) connections, the ODBC client version is shown.
Appinfo (if available): The value of the client environmental variable SOLAPPINFO (ODBC), or the value of JDBC connection property solid_appinfo.
With the -l option, the following additional information is displayed:
Last activity: The time when the client last time sent a request to the server.
Autocommit: Value 0 means that the autocommit mode is switched off; the current transaction is open until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement is run.
Value 1 means that the autocommit mode is switched on; each statement is automatically committed.
RPC compression: Indicates whether the data transmission compression is on or off.
Transparent failover: This field indicates if Transparent Failover (TF) is in use (HotStandby configurations). Because solidDB tools do not support TF, you will only see a "no" value in this field when using solidDB SQL Editor (solsql) or solidDB Remote Control (solcon).
Transparent cluster: Transparent cluster indicates whether the load balancing feature (in HSB) is enabled for this connection or not.
Transaction active: This field indicates whether there is an open, uncommitted transaction on the connections (value 1) or not (value 0). When the connection is set for Autocommit, the value is, most of the time, 0.
Transaction duration: This field indicates the duration of the currently open transaction. After COMMIT or ROLLBACK, the value becomes 0.
Transaction isolation: This field indicates the transaction isolation level for the transactions. The isolation level decides how data which is a part of an ongoing transaction is made visible to other transactions.
Transaction durability: This field indicates the durability of the currently open transaction.
Transaction safeness: This field indicates the safeness of the currently open transaction (set with HotStandby.SafenessLevel).
Transaction autocommit: This field indicates whether the currently open transaction is automatically committed. If the transaction autocommit for the current transaction is switched off (value 0), the current transaction is open until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement is executed. After that, a new statement starts a new transaction.
If the autocommit mode is switched on for the current transaction (value 1), each statement is automatically committed.
Current catalog: Indicates the current catalog name.
Current schema: Indicates the current schema name.
Sortgroubby: Indicates how the GROUP BY statement is performed if explicit information about the number of result groups is not available. There are two possible values:
ADAPTIVE GROUP BY - input is pre-sorted if the real number of result groups exceeds the number of rows that fit into the central memory array for GROUP BY.
STATIC GROUP BY - input is pre-sorted whenever there are at least two items in the GROUP BY list. Otherwise, the GROUP BY input is not pre-sorted.
Simple optimizer rules: Indicates whether simple optimizer rules are in use (SQL.SimpleOptimizerRules) Possible values are Yes/No/Default.
Statement max time: Indicates the connection-specific statement maximum execution time in seconds. This setting is effective until a new maximum time is given. Zero time indicates that there is no maximum time. This is the default value.
Lock timeout: Indicates the timeout set by using the SET LOCK TIMEOUT statement.
Optimistic lock timeout: Indicates the timeout set by using the SET OPTIMISTIC LOCK TIMEOUT statement.
Idle timeout: Indicates the timeout set by using the SET IDLE TIMEOUT statement.
Join Path Span: Indicates the join path span value set by using the SET SQL JOINPATHSPAN statement.
RPC seqno: Internal protocol message sequence number.
SQL sortarray: The size of user-specific internal sort array.
SQL unionsfromors: The value tells how many (at most) OR operators can be converted to UNIONs. Unions are faster but require more memory to execute
EVENT QUEUE LENGTH: Indicates the number of posted events in the event queue.
Connection idle timeout: Indicates the connection idle timeout setting
Stmt id: The current statement identification number. The numbers are session specific and they are assigned for each different statement.
Stmt state: An internal statement execution state.
Stmt rowcount: The number of rows retrieved or inserted in the current statement.
Stmt start time: The current statement start date and time.
Stmt last activity time: The timestamp of the most recent statement.
Stmt duration: Internal statement duration in seconds.
This value has no relevance to the externally visible statement latency. Typically, the statement duration is much longer than latency.
Stmt SQL str: The current SQL statement string.
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax