solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PERFMON LIST : RPC counters
RPC counters
The pmon RPC counters are described in the following table:
RPC messages
Number of RPC messages sent between client and server per second.
High numbers can indicate that large result sets are being returned over the network.
An SQLPrepare and SQLExecute function each send at least one RPC message. You can compare this number to the SQL Prepare and SQL Execute counters. If the value of this counter minus SQL Prepare is significantly larger than the value of the SQL Execute counter, this can indicate that large result sets are being returned in the SQL queries. Note that HSB packet count might also be included in this counter and for SMA and Accelerator connections no RPC messages are sent.
RPC read
Total number of read messages/s
RPC write
Total number of write messages/sec
RPC uncompressed
When RPC compression enabled, number of bytes/sec
RPC compressed
When RPC compression enabled, number of compressed byte/s
RPC connected
Number of client connect requests
RPC disconnected
Number of client disconnect requests
RPC read bytes
Network bytes read/sec
RPC write bytes
Network bytes written/sec
RPC user read bytes
Network bytes read/sec by user connections
RPC user write bytes
Network bytes written/sec by user connections
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