solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PERFMON LIST : SQL counters
SQL counters
The pmon SQL counters are described in the following table:
SQL prepare
SQL statements prepared per second. Note that SQL statements that are prepared in stored procedures are counted separately in the Proc SQL prepare counter. Also, a statement cache stores prepared statements; if a statement that is saved in the statement cache is prepared, the SQL prepare counter is not incremented.
SQL prepare operations are expensive; you should avoid them as much as possible. A high value for this counter might indicate excessive preparation of SQL statements or insufficient statement cache.
SQL execute
SQL execute statements executed per second. Note that SQL execute operations that are executed in a stored procedure are counted separately in the Proc SQL execute counter.
High numbers might indicate a hidden application problem.
SQL fetch
SQL fetch statements executed per second (number of rows returned to applications).
If the value of the SQL fetch counter is lower than the value of the SQL execute counter, it might indicate that result sets contained (correctly) zero rows, or that applications executed insert, update, delete statements or procedure calls, which do not return rows.
If the value of the SQL fetch counter is higher than the value of the SQL execute counter, it might indicate the execution of ADMIN commands, LIST commands, and EXPLAIN PLAN FOR commands, as rows are also returned to the user in these cases.
SQL direct execute
SQL execute statements/sec using direct statement execute
SQL execute simple
Number of simple SQL statement executes
A simple SQL statement is a statement that accesses a single table and does not contain joins, subqueries, function calls, ORDER BY or GROUP BY constructions, and all WHERE conditions are combined with an AND logical operator.
SQL execute complex
Number of complex SQL executes
SQL direct fetch
SQL fetch statements/sec using direct statement execute
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