Proc compile
Number of procedure compilations.
Counter is incremented during the execution of a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
Proc exec
Procedure executions per second.
The counter is incremented when a CALL PROCEDURE statement is executed and can also include nested stored procedure calls.
If the value is increasing or higher than expected, a stored procedure might be getting called (nested or not) more than expected.
Proc SQL prepare
Number of SQL prepare calls from a procedure code.
The counter is incremented when an EXEC SQL PREPARE is done within a stored procedure. This counter is also incremented when an SQL EXECDIRECT is done, because a prepare operation is implicitly done.
Proc SQL execute
Number of SQL execute calls from a procedure code.
The counter is incremented when an EXEC SQL EXECUTE or EXEC SQL EXECDIRECT is done within a stored procedure.
Proc SQL fetch
Number of SQL fetch calls from a procedure code.
The counter is incremented when an EXEC SQL FETCH is done within a stored procedure.