solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PERFMON LIST : Transaction counters
Transaction counters
The pmon transaction counters are described in the following table:
Trans count
Total number of transaction completed/sec. This is a sum of counters Trans commit, Trans abort, Trans rollback and Trans readonly
Trans commit
Committed transactions per second, including commits done in application code, stored procedures, and in solsql (explicitly or with autocommit on).
A higher value than expected can mean autocommit is on unknowingly.
Trans abort
Number of transactions that have been aborted per second because of timeout or other issue.
Non-zero numbers can indicate a connectivity issue where a client is able to connect and start a transaction, but then times out. If necessary, consider increasing the timeout period by using the Srv.AbortTimeOut parameter.
Trans rollback
Number of explicit transaction rollbacks per second
Trans readonly
Number of transactions per second that have been committed, rolled back, or aborted, that contain read-only operations.
Trans buf
Current number of rows that are in the transaction buffer.
A high value indicates that transactions are consuming a lot of memory. An increasing value can indicate a long running query that is creating many rows and consuming significant resources.
The value of the counter is essentially the working memory for a transaction and it gives you an idea of how much memory your transactions are consuming inside the server.
Trans buf cleanup
Total number of transaction buffer cleanup tasks that have executed in the server since startup.
An increasing value can indicate that transactions are creating large numbers of rows and consuming significant resources.
Cleanup tasks are responsible for removing stale rows from transactions that have committed, rolled back, or aborted to make room for new transactions. An internal threshold value determines when this task executes. If you see this value increasing rapidly, it should also be in conjunction with a high value in the Trans buf counter.
Trans validate
Current number of active commit-time validations
Trans active
Current number of active transactions in the system.
A high value might indicate infrequent commits or roll backs.
An increasing value might indicate that workload is increasing or that transactions are running more slowly over time because of more resources being consumed by other tasks for example.
Trans read level
Current transaction read level.
The counter value should continually increase. Because the counter value is 32-bit variable, it can have a negative value, but still logically the value is increasing. If the value stays the same for a long time with concurrent write transactions, it indicates that a long transaction is blocking the read level and can cause merge blocking and an increase in the Bonsai tree size.
Trans wait readlvl
Waits/sec for read level at commit
Trans wait readlvl is a counter that is incremented every time a transaction needs to wait for global read level to become sufficiently high so that the transaction changes become visible (to others) at commit. In regular load situations, this is instantaneous and no wait is needed. In high load situations, a short wait loop might be required.
The value of this counter is never decremented. Minor increments (single digits) during 30 second pmon interval are only an indication of a short high-load situation in the server.
Trxid value
Transaction id counter
Trxnum value
Transaction number counter
Trxcounter forcemerge
Number of forced merge starts from trx counters
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