solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PERFMON LIST : HSB counters
HSB counters
The pmon HSB counters are described in the following table:
HSB operation count
Primary/secondary server: transferred log record/sec
HSB commit count
Primary server: commit record/sec
HSB packet count
Primary server: messages/sec
HSB flush count
Primary/secondary server: message flushes/sec
HSB cached bytes
Primary/secondary server: current size of the memory based log buffer, in bytes.
The value of this counter should be relatively constant. An increasing value could indicate an internal problem.
HSB cached ops
Primary/secondary server: current size of the memory-based log buffer, in operations (log records)
HSB flusher bytes
Number of bytes of the HSB log in the send queue to the secondary server
HSB notsent bytes
Number of bytes in the HSB log that has been accumulated (for example, during a catchup) and not sent to the secondary server yet
HSB grouped acks
Secondary server: current number of ack groups (physical acks)
HSB state
Name of the current HSB state.
States where role is neither primary or secondary:
NONE 0 - Start and end state
STANDALONE 1 - HotStandby is disabled
OFFLINE 2 - HotStandby is offline, waiting for Netcopy
SWITCHING TO PRIMARY 3 - Secondary server switching to primary server
SWITCHING TO SECONDARY 4 - Primary server switching to secondary server
States for the primary server:
PRIMARY ALONE 5 - Operations for HSB are collected but are not sent to secondary server
PRIMARY COPYING 6 - Primary server sending copy or netcopy
PRIMARY CONNECTING 7 - Establishing connection (other)
PRIMARY DISCONNECTING 9 - Waiting that connection is closed
PRIMARY ACTIVE 10 - HotStandby active
PRIMARY UNCERTAIN 11 - There are transactions which primary server cannot commit or roll back, waiting for operator to set server alone or broken
States for the secondary server:
SECONDARY ALONE 12 - Connection down between the servers
SECONDARY COPYING 13 - Netcopy or copy is in progress
SECONDARY CONNECTING 14 - Establishing connection
SECONDARY DISCONNECTING 16 - Secondary server, waiting for connection to close
SECONDARY ACTIVE 17 - HotStandby active
HSB wait cpmes
Yes/no (1/0) Primary server: waiting for checkpoint ack from the secondary server
HSB secondary queues
Secondary server: current number of queues pending processing
HSB log reqcount
HSB log write requests/sec
HSB log waitct
HSB log waits-for-write requests/sec
HSB log freespc
HSB: number of log operations there is space for in the protocol window
HSB rpc read bytes
Network bytes read/sec by HSB connection between primary and secondary servers
HSB rpc write bytes
Network bytes written/sec by HSB connection between primary and secondary servers
HSB last catchup recs
Size of HSB catchup in number of sent log records
The counter is reset when the catchup is started.
You can use this pmon to monitor the progress of the catchup. After catchup is complete, the value shows the size of the completed catchup.
HSB catchup reqcnt
HSB log write requests per second, for catchup.
A non-zero value indicates that catchup is still in progress.
HSB catchup waitcnt
HSB log waits-for-write requests/sec, for catchup
HSB catchup freespc
HSB: number of log operations there which there is space in the protocol window, for catchup.
If this number is zero, catchup cannot continue.
HSB alone freespc
Primary server in PRIMARY ALONE state: bytes available in the transaction log
HSB grpcommits
Number of transactions in the most recent group commit
Transaction commits are grouped in one log burst which is send to secondary server as one packet.
You can only use this counter on the primary server.
HSB phase1 wait
Internal use only.
HSB secondary ops in packet
Number of log records the secondary server received from the primary server in the most recent log record packet.
HSB secondary trx count
Number of open transactions the secondary server has received from the primary server
HSB secondary locks
Number of row-level locks on the secondary server
HSB secondary lock reqs
Number of lock requests on the secondary server
HSB secondary lock waits
Number of lock waits on the secondary server since the server was started
HSB secondary op waits
Number of times operations (transactions) on the secondary server have been waiting to continue execution
HSB secondary buffers
Number of buffered log record packets the secondary server has received from the primary server
HSB secondary serial mode count
Number of times the secondary server parallel executor has switched to serial mode instead of running in parallel
HSB secondary dispatch queuelength
Size of the most recent dispatch thread (operations to dispatch) on the secondary server
HSB secondary pending dispatch queuelength
HSB secondary server pending dispatch queue length
HSB secondary serial mode active
HSB secondary server serial mode active
HSB secondary active trx count
HSB secondary server active trx count
HSB secondary false lock list len
HSB secondary server false lock list len
HSB secondary buf trx list len
HSB secondary server buf trx list len
HSB secondary pending task list len
HSB secondary server pending task list len
HSB secondary active task list len
HSB secondary server active task list len
HSB secondary connect count
HSB secondary server connect count
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