solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PERFMON LIST : Table cursor counters
Table cursor counters
The pmon table cursor counters are described in the following table:
Tabcur create
Number of internal table cursor calls.
Significantly and consistently lower values than the Search active counter might indicate too many unused statement prepares.
A table cursor is an active instance of a Search active cursor that is counted when a statement is actually executed. The value of this counter can be loosely correlated to the value of the SQL Execute counter * the number of cursors per statement.
Compare the Tabcur create counter with the Search active counter to see what percentage of the internal cursors that are created during statement preparation are actually used during statement execution.
Tabcur reset full
Number of full constraint reset calls in table cursor
Tabcur reset smpl
Number of simple constraint reset calls in table cursor
Tabcur estimate
Number of cost estimate calls in table cursor
Tabcur cached estimate
Number of table cursor cost estimates found from cached estimates
Tabcur table scan
Number of table scans executed in SQL statements.
A high number of table scans can mean that SQL statements are not executed optimally or some index definitions are missing from tables.
Tabcur index access
Number of index accesses executed in SQL statements
A high number of index accesses in comparison to number of table scans usually means that SQL statements are properly optimized and correct indexes are defined for tables.
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