solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PERFMON LIST : Lock counters
Lock counters
The pmon lock counters are described in the following table:
Lock ok
Number of times per second that an internal check for a lock indicated that no lock already existed, and so execution could proceed.
The counter applies to both disk and in-memory engines (or main-memory engines, MME).
Lock timeout
Lock timeouts per second.
A lock timeout occurs when execution is blocked while waiting for another lock.
If the counter value is constantly increasing, more and more operations are being blocked on locks, and a locking issue might exist.
The counter applies to both disk and in-memory engines (or main-memory engines, MME).
Lock deadlock
Deadlocks per second.
Increasing values can indicate an application locking issue.
The counter applies to both disk and in-memory engines (or main-memory engines, MME).
Lock deadlock check
Number of deadlock checks done by the lock manager.
The counter applies to both disk and in-memory engines (or main-memory engines, MME).
Lock deadlock loop
Number of lock manager deadlock check loops done.
The counter applies to both disk and in-memory engines (or main-memory engines, MME).
Lock wait
Number of times per second that a lock-wait occurred.
Increasing values can indicate an application locking issue.
The counter applies to both disk and in-memory engines (or main-memory engines, MME).
Lock count
Number of locks in lock manager.
Increasing values can indicate an application locking issue.
The counter applies to both disk and in-memory engines (or main-memory engines, MME).
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