solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PERFMON LIST : Logreader counters
Logreader counters
The pmon Logreader counters are described in the following table:
Logreader records accepted
Logreader records accepted/sec in the Source database
Logreader records filtered
Logreader records filtered/sec in the Source database. The records that are not replicated due to content are filtered
Logreader spm add
Logreader space manager add space
Logreader spm get
Logreader space manager get space
Logreader spm extra add
Logreader space manager add extra space
Logreader spm reqcount
Logreader log space request per second.
Logreader spm waitct
Logreader log space waits per second.
When the Logreader buffer is full, write operations get throttled and must wait. Each time a wait occurs, this counter is incremented. The higher the counter value, the more negative the write throttling effect is.
See the suggestions for the Logreader spm freespc min counter.
Logreader spm freespc min
Minimum value of Logreader space manager free space (number of operations that can be buffered).
Each Logreader cursor has its own free space counter; if there are multiple open Logreader cursors, the value is the minimum value of free space of all open cursors. If the free space of any Logreader cursor is zero, the value of this counter is zero and transaction throttling (slowdown) is enacted.
This counter, in conjunction with the Logreader spm waitct counter, is important in determining whether write throttling is happening inside the solidDB server. Write throttling occurs when no space is available in the Logreader buffer because of data not replicating to the back-end database quickly enough. Depending on your workload, occasional occurrences of this can be acceptable if not many write operations are having to wait; see the Logreader spm waitct counter. If this value is consistently 0, consider increasing the Logreader.Maxspace configuration parameter.
Logreader spm freespc max
Maximum value of Logreader space manager free space (number of operations that can be buffered). If there are multiple open Logreader cursors, the value is the maximum value of free space of all open cursors.
Logreader time exec to send
The difference in microseconds between last log record execute and network write operation by Logreader in Source database.
Logreader time log to scan
The difference in microseconds between last log record write and the record scan by Logreader in the Source database.
Logreader time scan to exec
The difference in microseconds between last log record scan and log record execute by Logreader in the Source database.
Logreader logdata queue len
Logreader: number of log record blocks waiting for processing.
Logreader record queue len
Logreader: number of log records waiting for propagation.
Logreader open trx queue len
Logreader open trx queue length
Logreader stmt queue len
Logreader: number of statements waiting for statement commit/rollback.
Logreader open cursors
Logreader: number of open cursors to SYS_LOG.
Logreader records processed
Logreader: number of log records processed/sec.
Logreader records sent
Logreader: number of log records sent for propagation/sec.
Logreader commits processed
Logreader: number of commits processed/sec.
Logreader commits sent
Logreader: number of commits sent to the propagator/sec.
Logreader messages sent
Logreader: number of wakeup messages to open cursors/sec.
Logreader catchup state
Logreader Catchup state.
Logreader catchup queue len
Logreader: number of log records in catchup queue.
Logreader catchup queue size
Logreader: size of the catchup queue, in bytes.
Logreader pending queue len
Logreader: number of pending log records in the in-memory log buffer.
Logreader memcache queue len
Logreader: length of the in-memory buffer queue, in operations.
Logreader batch queue len
Logreader: current number of operations queued for the next batch.
Logreader flush batch full
Logreader: a full transaction back was flushed from Logreader.
Logreader flush batch force
Logreader: a non-full transaction batch was flushed from Logreader.
Logreader inserts sent
Logreader insert operations read and sent/sec.
Logreader updates sent
Logreader update operations read and sent/sec.
Logreader deletes sent
Logreader delete operations read and sent/sec.
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