solidDB Help : solidDB reference : SQL: Database system tables and system views : System tables for data synchronization : SYS_SYNC_REPLICA_MSGINFO
The SYS_SYNC_REPLICA+MSGINFO table contains information about currently active messages in the replica database.
Data in this table is used to control the synchronization process between the replica and master database. This table also contains information that is useful for troubleshooting purposes. If the execution of a message halts in the replica database due to an error, you can query this table to obtain the reason for the problem, as well as the transaction and statement that caused the error.
The columns in the SYS_SYNC_REPLICA_MSGINFO system table are described in the following table:
Column name
Current state of the message. The following values are possible:
0 = DELETED N/A (internal non-persistent state)
1 = ERROR - Internal error has occurred during message processing; the reason for the error was recorded in the error-columns of the row.
20 = R_INIT - N/A (internal non-persistent state)
21 = R_INITEND - N/A (internal non-persistent state)
22 = R_SAVED - Replica has saved an outgoing message
23 = R_SENT - Replica has sent a message to the master
24 = R_RECEIVED - Replica has received a reply message from the master
25 = R_EXECUTE - The reply message in a replica is ready for execution
26 = R_EXECUTE_NOTIFYMASTER - Replica has received a reply, but not yet confirmed it with the master
ID of the master database to which the message is sent.
Name of the master database to which the message is sent.
Internal ID of the message.
Name of the message given by the user.
Create time of the message.
Size of the message in bytes.
ID of the user who created the message.
ID of the user who sent the message.
Code of the error that caused the message execution to terminate.
Description of the error that caused the message execution to terminate.
NULL or 0 = Normal message.
1 = Message is deleted when a reply is received from master.
3 = Message is a registration message.
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System tables for data synchronization