solidDB Help : solidDB reference : SQL: Database system tables and system views : System tables for grid : SYS_GRID_NODES
The SYS_GRID_NODES table stores essential information about the grid nodes. A row is inserted every time a new node is added to the grid, and deleted when the node is dropped.
Typically, the content of the table is identical in every grid node. The SYS_GRID_NODES table is not replicated but every node updates the table as a part of distributed transactions.
Column name
Data type
Primary key. An ID for the database (local to particular node) that identifies the node within the grid.
Connect information for the node, in the form:
'tcp' [ ip_address | host_name ] port_number
Grid membership status; one of the following values:
NULL: Undefined, node is not a grid member.
MEMBER_ONLINE: node is an active grid member.
MEMBER_OFFLINE: node is an inactive grid member.
MEMBER_FAILED: node is not responding to heartbeat messages.
Literal ID of the node. A new node might be given the name when the node is added to the grid, but, if the name is not specified, a unique name is created by combining the prefix ‘GNODE_’ with the node numeric identifier (NODE_ID). For example, the first node would be named as ‘GNODE_1’.
Numeric ID of the node that is assigned when the node is added to the grid. The identifier is not reused even if the node is dropped from the grid.
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System tables for grid