solidDB Help : solidDB reference : SQL: Functions : String functions
String functions
The purpose of each string function is described in the following table:
Returns the integer equivalent of string str
Returns the character equivalent of code
CONCAT(str1, str2)
strl + str2
str1 || str2
Concatenates str2 to str1. For example:
SELECT str1 + str2, col1 ... SELECT str1 || str2, col1 ...
Generates a unique string, based on a "prefix" (the input string, which can be any string you choose) and a sequence number (which is created and used internally). If the input is NULL, the function still returns a string based on the unique sequence number.
INSERT(str1, start, length, str2)
Merges strings by deleting length characters from str1 and inserting str2
Converts string str to lowercase
LEFT(str, count)
Returns leftmost count characters of string str
Returns the number of characters in str
LOCATE(str1, str2 [, start])
Returns the starting position of str1 within str2. If the optional argument, start, is specified, the search begins with the character position indicated by the value of start. If str1 is not found within str2, the function returns 0. For both the return value and the input parameter start, string positions are numbered starting from 1 (not 0).
Removes leading spaces of str
POSITION (str1 IN str2)
Returns starting position of str1 within str2
REPEAT(str, count)
Returns characters of str repeated count times
REPLACE(str1, str2, str3)
Replaces occurrences of str2 in str1 with str3
RIGHT(str, count)
Returns the rightmost count characters of string str
Removes trailing spaces in str
Calculates the 4-character soundex (phonetic) code of str
Returns a string of count spaces
SUBSTRING(str, start, length)
Derives substring length bytes long from str beginning at start.
For example, if str="First Second Third", then SUBSTRING(str, 7, 6) would return "Second".
String positions are numbered starting from 1 (not 0).
TO_CHAR(expression, format-string)
Returns a character representation of expression that has been formatted by using a character template (format-string).
The TO_CHAR scalar function is a synonym for the VARCHAR_FORMAT scalar function.
Removes leading and trailing spaces in str
Converts str to uppercase
VARCHAR_FORMAT(expression, format‑string)
Returns a character representation of expression that has been formatted by using a character template (format-string).
The VARCHAR_FORMAT function is a synonym for the TO_CHAR function.
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SQL: Functions