solidDB Help : solidDB reference : High Availability Controller (HAC) configuration parameters : LocalDB section
LocalDB section
The following table describes the parameters that can be used in the [LocalDB] section of the solidhac.ini file.
Factory value
Connect information for application connection test connections (when EnableApplicationConnTest is set to yes).
The value of this parameter must be the same as the connect information that the application uses to connect to the server, for example:
tcp -i10.0.0.101 2125
If ApplicationConnTestConnect is not specified, the value that is defined with the parameter Connect is used.
Interval (in milliseconds) between consecutive non-blocking commands used in the application connection test.
Timeout (in milliseconds) for each command used in the application connection test.
Connect information for the local database server.
For example: Connect=tcp 2125
HAC uses this information when it connects to the local server.
If set to yes, the HAC monitors the external availability of the solidDB server.
To test the connection, the HAC connects to the server by using the same connect information as the application and executes simple commands to ensure the server is responsive.
If the HAC cannot connect to the server or the server does not respond to simple queries, the HAC concludes that the service provided by server is not available. If the server process exists in the system, the HAC calls the script that is specified with the parameter UnresponsiveActionScript.
If EnableApplicationConnTest is set to yes and the user account is invalid (see HACController.ApplicationConnTestUsername) or missing from either server, the HAC waits until the time that is specified with ApplicationConnTestInterval expires. An error is also output to hacmsg.out. To recover:
1 Suspend HAC operations by running the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'hac suspend'.
2 Create the user accounts on both servers.
3 Resume HAC operations by running the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'hac resume'
If set to yes, a user-provided script is executed if an application connection test fails.
The script is defined with the parameter UnresponsiveActionScript.
If set to yes, the local server becomes the primary server when the logpos values of both servers are equal. If both servers have the same value in PreferredPrimary, the first server becomes the new primary server.
This parameter is effective only if the StartInAutomaticMode parameter is set to yes.
Number of times the application connection test commands are executed before the server is considered unresponsive.
Name of the script that is used to initiate the database process, for example:
This parameter is mandatory if EnableDBProcessControl is set to yes and is ignored if EnableDBProcessControl is set to no.
Note In Linux and UNIX environments, you can use the following command to print commands and their arguments as they are executed:

#!/bin/sh -x
The log of the start script ( is output by default into /tmp/hac_start_solid.err.
The log of the starting solidDB process is output by default into /tmp/hac_start_solid.out.
See description
Name and location of the script that contains the actions to be taken if application connection test fails, for example:
When calling the script, the HAC must specify the solidDB process identifier as a parameter. If the HAC does not know the solidDB process id, the script cannot be executed.
This parameter is mandatory if both EnableApplicationConnTest and EnableUnresponsiveActions are set to yes.
For example, the following script terminates the solidDB process that has id 1 in Linux and UNIX operating systems:

ulimit -c unlimited
kill -6 $1
sleep 30
kill -9 $1
Note In Linux and UNIX environments, you can use the following command to print commands and their arguments as they are executed:

#!/bin/sh -x
The log of the action script ( is output into /tmp/hac_terminate_solid.err. The log of the terminating solidDB process is output into /tmp/hac_terminate_solid.out.
See description
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High Availability Controller (HAC) configuration parameters