solidDB Help : solidDB reference : SQL: Statements : SET : SET SCHEMA
SET SCHEMA {'schema‑name' | USER | 'user‑name'}
Access requirements
Database user
Use the SET SCHEMA statement to change the default schema.
The SET SCHEMA statement affects only the default entity name resolution. It does not change any access rights to database entities. The SET SCHEMA statement sets the default schema name for unqualified names in statements that are prepared in the current session by an EXECDIRECT statement or a prepare statement.
The SET SCHEMA statement takes effect immediately, starting from the next SQL statement.
For more information about schemas, see Schemas.
Parameters, clauses, keywords, and variables
schema‑name: A valid schema name in the database.
USER: Changes the schema to the current user name.
user‑name: A valid user name in the database.
As per ANSI SQL-92 standard, the user‑name and schema‑name can be enclosed in single quotation marks.
SET SCHEMA 'john_smith';
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