solidDB Help : solidDB reference : SQL: Statements : Common clauses : check-condition
The check‑condition clause is a boolean expression that specifies the check constraints for the column. The clause cannot contain subqueries, aggregate functions, host variables, or parameters and has the following syntax:
check‑condition::= check‑item | check‑item {AND | OR} check‑item
check‑item::= [NOT] {check‑test | (check‑condition)}
check‑test::= comparison‑test | between‑testlike‑test | null‑test | list‑test
comparison‑test::= expression {= | <> | < | <= | > | >=} {expression | subquery}
between‑test::= column‑identifier [NOT] BETWEEN expression AND expression
like‑test::= column‑identifier [NOT] LIKE value [ESCAPE value]
null‑test::= column‑identifier IS [NOT] NULL
list‑test::= expression [NOT] IN ({value [, value] …})
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Common clauses