solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB Server Control (SSC) API : SSC API reference : SSCStopServer
The SSCStopServer function stops a Linked Library Access (LLA) server or a Shared Memory Access (SMA) server.
You can use explicit methods (for example, SSCStopServer) to shut down a server that was started with implicit methods (for example, SQLConnect). The converse is not true; for example, you cannot use SQLDisconnect to stop a server that was started with SSCStartServer.
After the server has been stopped, the application can restart the server by using, for example, SSCStartServer.
SscRetT SSC_CALL SSCStopServer(SscServerT h, bool force)
The following table describes the parameters:
Usage type
in, use
Handle to server
Options are:
TRUE - stop server in all cases.
FALSE - stop server if there are no open connections. Otherwise, stop fails.
Return value
SSC_SUCCESS - The server is stopped.
SSC_CONNECTIONS_EXIT - There are open connections.
SSC_UNFINISHED_TASKS - Tasks that are executing.
Remote users can stop solidDB by using ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown', see Shutting down a solidDB server.
The FALSE option does not permit shutdown if there are open connections to the database or existing users. This option is equivalent to solidDB SQL extension ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown'.
The SSCSetState() function with the SSC_STATE_OPEN option prevents new connections to the solidDB server.
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SSC API reference