solidDB Help : solidDB reference : Advanced Replication: Synchronization events : Parameters of message progress events
Parameters of message progress events
The events described in the following table allow you to track how many bytes of a message have been sent or received so far. These events are useful primarily when sending very large messages, such as messages containing blobs, or when sending messages over very slow communication channels.
The event lists the cumulative number of bytes sent/received so far as well as the total number of bytes to be sent/received inside the corresponding sync message. The user can monitor the progress of the sending/receiving process by catching these events and comparing the cumulative byte count sent so far to the total bytes in the message. For more information, see Monitoring the progress of messages.
sender_nodename WVARCHAR
receiver_nodename WVARCHAR
message_name WVARCHAR
cumulative_bytes_sent INTEGER
total_bytes INTEGER
The event lists the cumulative number of bytes sent/received so far as well as the total number of bytes to be sent/received inside the corresponding sync message. The user can monitor the progress of the sending/receiving process by catching these events and comparing the cumulative byte count sent so far to the total bytes in the message. For more information, see Monitoring the progress of messages.
sender_nodename WVARCHAR
receiver_nodename WVARCHAR
message_name WVARCHAR
cumulative_bytes_received INTEGER
total_bytes INTEGER
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Advanced Replication: Synchronization events