solidDB Help : Replication : Advanced Replication : Administering Advanced Replication systems : Recovering from errors by deleting a message
Recovering from errors by deleting a message
As a last resort, to recover from an error, you can explicitly delete a message that was sent from a replica database. You can delete either the entire failed message from the master database or just the current transaction in the message.
You can delete the entire message by using the MESSAGE DELETE statement, see MESSAGE DELETE.
You can delete just the current transaction by using the MESSAGE DELETE CURRENT TRANSACTION statement, see MESSAGE FROM REPLICA DELETE CURRENT TRANSACTION.
Note These statements can be used only in the master database.
When deleting the message from the master database, be sure to specify the replica name in the FROM REPLICA clause.
For example:
MESSAGE MyMsg0001 FROM REPLICA branch_office DELETE;
Note that MESSAGE DELETE CURRENT TRANSACTION is a transactional operation and must be committed before message execution can continue. To restart the message (where it left off) after the deletion is committed, use the MESSAGE EXECUTE statement, see MESSAGE EXECUTE.
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Administering Advanced Replication systems