solidDB Help : Replication : Advanced Replication : solidDB Advanced Replication architecture components : Synchronous replication: Messageless REFRESH
Synchronous replication: Messageless REFRESH
Asynchronous data refreshes can consume large amounts of memory and inflict disk I/O overhead. To avoid this, you can use the synchronous, messageless Advanced Replication interface to replicate data from the master database to the replica database. The synchronous replication is started by issuing the REFRESH statement. The refresh of data can be full or incremental, that is, you can update all data or only change data.
In the synchronous replication mode, the associated data is sent as a data stream, thus conserving memory. The synchronous replication mode also reduces the needed disk I/O bandwidth, because no messages are written to disk.
For more information about synchronous refresh and its use, see Using synchronous refresh.
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