solidDB Help : Replication : Advanced Replication : Planning and designing for Advanced Replication applications
Planning and designing for Advanced Replication applications
Before you install and implement an application that uses the solidDB Advanced Replication data synchronization technology, you should plan and design your multi-database system.
Planning for Advanced Replication installation
Before installing a distributed database system that uses solidDB Advanced Replication, you should determine, analyze, and evaluate the synchronization needs of your application; these needs affect the resource and application requirements of the system. In addition, performance considerations can affect how you decide to distribute data, initiate data propagation, schedule synchronization, create your infrastructure, and allocate computer and network resources.
See the following topics for more detail:
Distributing data
Tailoring the synchronization process
Evaluating performance and scalability
Designing and preparing databases for synchronization
Prepare and design your databases for synchronization by completing the following tasks:
Define master and replica databases, see Defining master and replica databases.
Create your database schema according to Advanced Replication guidelines, see Creating the database schema.
If you have a multi-master environment or you are using different schema names in your master and replica database, create the required catalogs, see Creating catalogs.
Define tables that are required for synchronization and will be used in a publication, see Setting up data for synchronization
Design the logical database, see Designing the logical database.
Define concurrency conflict handling in synchronized tables (determine if the tables should use optimistic or pessimistic concurrency control), see Handling concurrency conflict in synchronized tables in replica.
Determine the user access that is required for synchronization, see Determining user access requirements.
Set up backups of the master database and large replicas, see Creating backups for fault tolerance.
Design application(s) for data synchronization, see Designing the application for synchronization.