solidDB Help : Replication : Advanced Replication : Using Advanced Replication with applications : Building messages for synchronization : Propagating transactions from replica database to master database
Propagating transactions from replica database to master database
The MESSAGE APPEND PROPAGATE TRANSACTIONS statement lets you propagate transactions from a replica database to the master database, see MESSAGE APPEND.
Only statements that have been explicitly put to the transaction queue on the replica database by using the SAVE SQL statement, can be propagated.
Use the WHERE clause to propagate only those transactions where the property name meets specific criteria. You can set a property to a currently active transaction in the replica database with the SAVE PROPERTY statement. Use the keyword ALL to propagate all statements, including those with no properties.
The keyword ALL overrides any default propagation condition that was previously set with the SAVE DEFAULT PROPAGATE PROPERTY statement. This statement is used to make parameters available to other statements in the transaction on the Parameter Bulletin Board.
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Building messages for synchronization