solidDB Help : Replication : Advanced Replication : Using Advanced Replication with applications : Implementing security through access rights and roles : Changing replica access to the master database : Mapping replica user id with master user id
Mapping replica user id with master user id
To map a replica user id to a master user id, you use the ALTER USER SET MASTER statement, see ALTER USER (replica and master).
When you use the ALTER USER SET MASTER statement, you provide the master user names and passwords for the local users that you want to map to master users. The same local user can be mapped to multiple master users.
After you have completed the mapping, when a local user logs into a replica database, solidDB checks to see whether that local user is mapped to any master user id. If no mapping is specified, by default, solidDB looks for the same user id and password in the master database and replica database. If found, the user id and password in both the master database and replica database are expected to be the same.
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Changing replica access to the master database