solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : solidDB architecture compatibility with CREP
solidDB architecture compatibility with CREP
The following table details how C Replicator (CREP) works with other solidDB components:
HotStandby (HSB)
HSB is supported at both target and source nodes.
For the source database, reading from the replication partition is possible from both HSB primary and secondary servers. Source-side HSB switchover is transparent for the replicator.
For the target database, updates are executed only on the HSB primary database. In case of HSB switchover, replication automatically stops on the new secondary server and restarts on the new primary server. Replication restarts from the log position of the last executed transaction, so switchover does not imply the loss of the replicated transaction.
In order to benefit from the source database HSB connection the source database connect string needs to be a Transparent Connectivity (TC) connect string.
In memory-tables (M-tables) and disk-based tables (D-tables)
Temporary and transient tables
Not supported
Client / server mode
Linked Library Access (LLA) from application
Shared Memory Access (SMA) from applications
TLS connections
Between applications and databases: Yes
Between databases: Yes
Advanced Replication
Do not use CREP and Advanced Replication to replicate to or from the same tables.
Other log reader applications
Diskless system
Supported. Diskless systems are by nature non-persistent. Hence, the entire replication model, tables, and data are always created from scratch after each restart.
Audit trail
Replicated operations in the target database can be collected in an audit trail. DDL operations to create publications can be audited with other DDL operations.