solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : Recovery from failures : Transactions log and replication
Transactions log and replication
Replication relies on the transaction log files and when replication needs troubleshooting it is important to understand how these components work together.
A transaction log is written to the disk when new transactions are executed in the server. Transaction logs are sequentially written to the log files in this format:
-rw------- 1 soluser cc 45449216 Mar 9 11:49 sol00001.log
-rw------- 1 soluser cc 14991360 Mar 9 11:50 sol00002.log
-rw------- 1 soluser cc 13713408 Mar 9 11:50 sol00003.log
-rw------- 1 soluser cc 13172736 Mar 9 11:51 sol00004.log
When the transaction log file size reaches a certain limit (specified by Logging.MinSplitSize parameter), in the next checkpoint the server creates a new file and continues writing to the new file. A message is shown in the solmsg.out file in this format:
2023-03-09 11:49:46.385 Log file rotated to 'sol00002.log'
2023-03-09 11:50:19.664 Log file rotated to 'sol00003.log'
2023-03-09 11:50:50.339 Log file rotated to 'sol00004.log'
When the total size of all the log files reaches the limit specified by Logreader.MaxLogSize, the server starts to remove the oldest log files to keep the total size around the specified maximum size. A message is shown in the solmsg.out file in this format:
2023-03-09 12:48:48.479 Log file removed 'sol00001.log'
Removing old log files implies some older transactions are not available for replication any longer. A message that transactions below a certain number are not available for replication is shown in the solmsg.out in this format:
2023-03-09 12:48:28.512 Log catchup oldest position moved to 15650333 for running over maxsize
When a replication START command is executed on the target server it connects to the source server, and tries to catchup transactions executed on the source after replication was stopped from a certain position in the log. If this position is still available in the log, catchup is possible. If it is not, replication falls back to reload.
When replication starts, a message is shown on the source side:
2023-03-09 12:51:10.786 Logreader 41 action: Logreader cursor opened for partition BASIC_TODBCMT, remote uuid 42711545-5dbe-4d01-9ca3-c2758a34a976, remote connect string=no connect info, timeout=120 sec
When replication is not possible due to an old log position referring to an already deleted log file:
2023-03-09 12:51:10.786 Logreader 41 catchup init from 60643
2023-03-09 12:51:10.797 Logreader 41 action: Catchup position not found
On the target side:
2023-03-09 12:51:10.797 Starting replication for subscription 'BASIC_TODBCMT' with reload.
And when the log position is available on the source side it prints:
2023-03-09 12:51:19.606 Logreader 41 catchup init from 18468769
2023-03-09 12:51:19.622 Logreader 43 action: Logreader thread started
2023-03-09 12:51:19.779 Logreader 41 catchup scan open from 000000000000000000000:100:0023:0000004129:012597
2023-03-09 12:51:19.781 Logreader 41 catchup active
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