solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : CREP Monitoring and diagnostics : Replication conflicts
Replication conflicts
In C Replicator (CREP), if the replication of data from a source database to a target database would conflict with existing data, an entry is inserted in the SYS_REPLICATION_CONFLICTS system table, see SYS_REPLICATION_CONFLICTS. The table contains information about all detected data conflicts. For example:
SUBSCRIPTION_ID TABLE_NAME  TRANSACTION_ID    ROW_KEY ERROR_CODE ERROR_TEXT                                                           CONFLICT_TIME
--------------- ----------  --------------    ------- ---------- ----------                                                           -------------
       5        DBA.DBA.TAB F201000000000000  10      10033      SOLID Database Error 10033: Primary key unique constraint violation. 2018-04-20 13:25:38.0
       5        DBA.DBA.TAB 1E02000000000000   2      10033      SOLID Database Error 10033: Primary key unique constraint violation. 2018-04-20 13:34:33.0
2 rows fetched.
Note Conflicts are not considered as replication errors, and so they are not logged in the SYS_REPLICATION_ERRORS table.
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CREP Monitoring and diagnostics