solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : CREP Monitoring and diagnostics : Reviewing replicator statistics
Reviewing replicator statistics
To print out running statistics for the C Replicator (CREP) replicator, use the following command, see REPLICATOR:
ADMIN COMMAND 'replicator statistics'
For example:
> replicator statistics
'Source #0:'
'   Subscription:     TEST_PART_01'
'   Partition:        TEST_PART_01'
'   Last Op time:     Fri Apr 20 12:43:05 2018'
'   Last Nop time:    Fri Apr 20 12:53:08 2018'
'   Number Ops:       23836'
'   Number Nops:      1409'
'   Number Trx.Start: 3911'
'   Number Trx.End: 3907'
'   Number DDL:       0'
'   Number Log open: 1'
'   Current Log pos: 00000000000021C700000001000000000004FE88000000000004FE88'
'   Catchup Log pos: 00000000000018F2FFFFFFFF000000000000AF39000000000000AF39'
'   Open trx:         0'
'Source #1: not started.'
'Source #2: not started.'
'Source #4: not started.'
'Transactions added=26914 applied=26913'
'Transactions ready queue size=0'
'Applier thread: #0 committed 1109 transactions'
'Applier thread: #1 committed 1120 transactions'
'Applier thread: #2 committed 1113 transactions'
'Applier thread: #3 committed 1126 transactions'
'Applier thread: #4 committed 972 transactions'
'Applier thread: #5 committed 1034 transactions'
'Applier thread: #6 committed 1049 transactions'
'Applier thread: #7 committed 880 transactions'
'Connection 0x2acb0c31fd18 commit_count 0 rollback_count 0 schema 0'
'Connection 0x2acb1c274478 commit_count 3 rollback_count 0 schema 34'
'Connection 0x2acb0c823ed8 commit_count 1 rollback_count 0 schema 34'
'Connection 0x2acb080fc9f8 commit_count 1 rollback_count 0 schema 34'
'Connection 0x2acb0c7d92b8 commit_count 1 rollback_count 0 schema 35'
'OP table=DBA.DBA.TAB_FORCE use_count=2 i '
'Connection 0x2acb0c59cc98 commit_count 121 rollback_count 0 schema 31'
'Connection 0x2acb0c9b91d8 commit_count 1112 rollback_count 0 schema 32'
'Connection 0x2acb1401d1f8 commit_count 16 rollback_count 0 schema 31'
'Connection 0x2acb0c71e938 commit_count 1 rollback_count 0 schema 33'
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CREP Monitoring and diagnostics