solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : Principles of operation : CREP control interfaces
CREP control interfaces
The C Replicator (CREP) replicator configuration is stored in the solid.ini file of the target database and in the system tables of both source and target databases. The following illustration and table show how different elements of the configuration are stored and accessed.
The diagram is described in the surrounding text
The interfaces are explained in the following table:
SQL DDL in source database
Define partitions for Logreader, to enable the replicator to read the transaction log by using the log API. The metadata is stored in the system tables of the source database.
Replicator commands
SQL statements executed in the replicator on the target database to get access to source databases and start or stop replication. Metadata about source databases is stored in system tables of the target database.
solid.ini for the replicator
Configuration information about replicator configuration parameters.
Files in working directory of the target database. The files contain the following information:
replication start and stop commands, load start and completion information (solmsg.out),
replicator internal errors (solerror.out),
replicator tracing information, if enabled by administrator (soltrace.out).
Replication conflicts and errors
Replicator stores errors and detected data conflicts information in the following target database system tables:
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Principles of operation