solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : Supported topologies
Supported topologies
The C Replicator (CREP) capabilities are built into solidDB server code; no additional process is required. The target database can connect to one or several source databases.
The following examples illustrate some typical network topologies and the required replicator instances.
Replicator configuration
One source database, one target database.
Replicator instance on target database pulls update operations from transaction log (T/LOG) on source database.
Diagram is explained in the first column of the row
Multiple source databases, one target database.
Replicator instance on target database pulls update operations from transaction logs on source databases.
Diagram is explained in the first column of the row
One source database, multiple target databases.
Each target database has a replicator instance that pulls update operations from the transaction log on the source database.
Diagram is explained in the first column of the row
Databases are both source and target databases (bi-directional replication).
The replicator instance in each database pulls update operations from the transaction log on the other database.
Diagram is explained in the first column of the row
The following example shows an architecture that emulates the solidDB Advanced Replication hierarchical model. One management (master) database has four edge (replica) databases. To facilitate bi-directional replication, five replicator instances are required, one in each database.
The management database acts as the source for the four edge databases, and each edge database runs a replicator instance to pull update operations from the transaction log on the management database.
The four edge databases act as the source for the management database, and the management database runs a replicator instance to pull update operations from the transaction logs on the edge databases.
C Replicator topology that matches an Advanced Replication topology
For information on setting up replication for these topologies, see Setting up replication for different topologies.