Administrator Guide : Administering solidDB® : Creating a new database
Creating a new database
solidDB® databases are created at solidDB® server startup.
When solidDB® is started, it checks if a database exists. If a database does not exist, solidDB® prompts you to create a database.
In Windows environments, a dialog window prompts you for the username and password of the database administrator, and a name for the default (system) catalog.
In Linux and UNIX environments, the following message appears:
Database does not exist. Do you want to create a new database (y/n)?
By answering “yes”, solidDB® prompts you for the username and password of the database administrator, and a name for the default (system) catalog.
After accepting the username and password of the database administrator, solidDB® creates the database.
By default the database is created as one file (solid.db) in the solidDB® working directory.
An empty database that contains only the system tables and views uses approximately 4 MB of disk space. The time it takes to create the database depends on the hardware platform you are using. If you have a small database (less than 4 MB) and want to keep the disk space less than 4 MB, set the value of the IndexFile.ExtendIncrement parameter to less than 500 (default). This parameter and other parameters are discussed in Server-side configuration parameters.
After the database has been created, solidDB® starts listening to the network for client connection requests. In Windows environments, a solidDB® icon appears, but in most environments solidDB® runs invisibly in the background as a daemon process.
See also
Usernames, passwords, and system catalog names
Unicode and partial Unicode database modes
Setting up database environment
solidDB® configuration file (solid.ini)
Setting database block size (BlockSize) and location (FileSpec)
Defining database objects
Administering solidDB®