Administrator Guide : Configuring solidDB® : Managing parameters : Viewing and setting parameters with ADMIN COMMAND
Viewing and setting parameters with ADMIN COMMAND
You can change most server-side parameters with ADMIN COMMANDs without the need to restart the solidDB® server. All parameters are accessible with the ADMIN COMMANDs even if they are not present in the solid.ini configuration file.
Viewing parameters
You can view the parameter settings by all parameters, all parameters in a section, or a single parameter at a time.
The syntax for viewing parameters is the following:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter [-r] [section_name[.parameter_name]]';
-r specifies that only the current value is shown
section_name is the category name where the parameter is located in solid.ini
To view all parameters, use the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter';
-- ----
 0 Accelerator ImplicitStart Yes Yes Yes
 0 Accelerator ReturnListenErrors No No No
 0 Com Listen tcpip 2315, tcpip 2315, tcpip 1964
 0 Com MaxPhysMsgLen 8192 8192 8192
 0 Com RConnectLifetime 60 60 60
 0 Com RConnectPoolSize 10 10 10
 0 Com RConnectRPCTimeout 0 0 0
 0 Com ReadBufSize 2048 2048 2048
 0 Com SocketLinger Yes Yes Yes
 0 Com SocketLingerTime 0 0 0
192 rows fetched.
To view a single parameter, include the section name and parameter name in the command. For example:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter logging.durabilitylevel';
-- ----
 0 Logging DurabilityLevel 3 2 2
1 rows fetched.
To view all parameters in a section, include the section name in the command. For example:
admin command 'parameter logging';
-- ----
0 Logging BlockSize 16384 16384 16384
0 Logging DigitTemplateChar # # #
0 Logging DurabilityLevel 1 1 1
0 Logging FileFlush Yes Yes Yes
0 Logging FileNameTemplate sol#####.log sol#####.log sol#####.log
0 Logging LogDir logs logs
0 Logging LogEnabled Yes Yes Yes
0 Logging LogWriteMode 2 2 2
0 Logging MinSplitSize 10485760 10485760 10485760
0 Logging RelaxedMaxDelay 5000 5000 5000
0 Logging SyncWrite No No No
11 rows fetched.
The output show three values in the following order:
current value
startup value that was used when the server was started
factory value preset in the product
To show only the current value, use the -r option. For example:
admin command 'parameter -r logging';
-- ----
0 Logging BlockSize 16384
0 Logging DigitTemplateChar #
0 Logging DurabilityLevel 1
0 Logging FileFlush Yes
0 Logging FileNameTemplate sol#####.log
0 Logging LogDir logs
0 Logging LogEnabled Yes
0 Logging LogWriteMode 2
0 Logging MinSplitSize 10485760
0 Logging RelaxedMaxDelay 5000
0 Logging SyncWrite No
11 rows fetched.
Viewing the description of a specific parameter
You can view a detailed description of a specific parameter, which includes valid parameter types and access modes.
Note Parameter support can vary between platforms.
To view the description of a parameter, enter the following command using solidDB® SQL Editor (teletype):
ADMIN COMMAND 'describe parameter [section_name[.parameter_name]] ';
ADMIN COMMAND 'describe parameter logging.durabilitylevel';
-- ----
0 DurabilityLevel
0 Default transaction durability level
0 RW
7 rows fetched.
The rows of the result set are:
Parameter name is the name of the parameter, for example CacheSize.
Description of the parameter
Data type of the parameter
Access mode is one of the following:
– RO: read-only, the value cannot be changed dynamically
– RW: read/write, the value can be changed dynamically and the change takes effect immediately
– RW/STARTUP: the value can be changed dynamically but the change takes effect upon next server startup
– RW/CREATE: the value can be changed dynamically but the change takes effect when a new database is created
Startup value displays the startup value of the parameter
Current value displays the current value of the parameter
Factory value displays the value preset in the product
Setting a parameter value
Most parameters can be changed with ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter'. Depending on the access mode of the parameter, the change might not apply immediately.
The syntax of the command is:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter param_name = value [temporary]'
param_name and value follow the rules specified in Format of configuration parameter names and values.
param_name must include the section name and the parameter name, separated by a period.
For example, to set the value of the DurabilityLevel parameter in the [Logging] section to '1', issue the command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter Logging.DurabilityLevel=1';
value must be a valid parameter value, or:
– If no value is specified, the parameter is set to the factory (or unset) value.
– If you assign a parameter value with an asterisk (*), the parameter is set to its factory value.
You can provide blanks around the equal sign. For example:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter com.trace = yes'
When temporary is set, the changed value is not stored in the solid.ini file.
When the value of a parameter is changed with an ADMIN command, the change might apply immediately or the next time that the server is started.
– If a parameter value is written to the solid.ini file, it will take effect the next time that the server starts.
– If the temporary option is used, the value affects the current behavior of the server, but does not affect the server when it restarts.
– In some cases, the parameter change can be effective immediately. The parameter change is also written to the solid.ini file so that it also applies the next time that the server starts. The access mode of the parameter defines the persistence of the parameter change.
The commands return the new value as the result set. If the access mode of the parameter is RO (read-only) or the value entered is invalid, the ADMIN COMMAND statement returns an error.
Note Parameter management operations are not part of a transaction and cannot be rolled back.
Related information
Access mode and persistence of parameter modifications
See also
Managing parameters