Administrator Guide : Managing network connections : Network listening names (Com.Listen)
Network listening names (Com.Listen)
The network name of a server is a network listening name that consists of a communication protocol and a server name (port number). This combination identifies the server in the network. The network name is defined with the Com.Listen parameter in the solid.ini file.
The syntax of the Com.Listen parameter and the network listening name is the following:
Listen = network_listening_name, network_listening_name, ...
network_listening_name = protocol_name [options] server_name | none
[options] can be any combination of the following:
Specifies that solidDB® listens to IPv4 protocol only.
Specifies that solidDB® listens to IPv6 protocol only.
In Windows environments, this option is mandatory if IPv6 protocol is used.
solidDB® listens only to the specified IP address or host name.
Listening to specified IP address or host name is useful in multi-homed systems that support many TCP/IP interfaces or have multiple IP addresses.
Listen = tcp -i127.0.0.1 1313
A server with the above setting accepts connection requests only from inside the same machine, either referred by IP address or with the name 'localhost', if the DNS is correctly configured.
DNS entries can be used instead of IP addresses, for example:
Listen = tcp -ilocalhost 1313
Turns on the Network trace facility and defines the name of the trace output file
See Troubleshooting a problem for details.
Sets the highest level at which the clients can use the solidDB® Ping facility.
For example, if the server side is set to -p3, clients applications can run the Ping facility at levels 1, 2, and 3, but not at 4 and 5.
Turns on the Network trace facility
See Troubleshooting a problem for details.
server_name depends on the communication protocol:
– In TCP/IP protocol, server_name is a service port number, such as '2315'.
– In other protocols, server_name is a name, such as soliddb or chicago_office.
For details on the syntax in different communication protocols, see Communication protocols.
none means that all listening ports are disabled. The value none cannot be set with ADMIN COMMAND 'par'.
A server may use an unlimited number of network names.
All components of network names are not case-sensitive.
When a database server process is started, it publishes the network names that it starts to listen to. This information is also written to the solmsg.out file.
Network names must be unique within one host computer. For example, you cannot run two servers that are both listening to the same TCP/IP port in one host. However, it is possible that the same port number is in use in different hosts.
Example: solid.ini entry
Listen = tcpip 1313, nmpipe soliddb
The example contains two network names which are separated by a comma. The first one uses the protocol TCP/IP and the service port 1313; the other one uses the Named Pipes protocol with the name soliddb. The tcpip and nmpipe are communication protocols, while 1313 and soliddb are server names.
Factory value for a network name
If the Listen parameter is not set in the solid.ini file or if the value is empty, solidDB® listens to the following network names by default:
Com.Listen factory values
Linux and UNIX
See also
Viewing supported protocols for the server
Viewing network names for the server
Adding and modifying a network name for the server
Removing network name from the server
Managing network connections