Administrator Guide : Server-side configuration parameters : Communication section
Communication section
Factory value
Access mode
Defines the network (listening) name for a server. The format of the network name is:
protocol_name [options] server_name
The options and server_name depend on the communication protocol. For details, see Managing network connections.
You can define several network listening names. When a solidDB® database server process is started, it will publish at least one network name that distinguishes it in the network. The server can then start to listen to the network using the given network name.
Note The ADMIN COMMAND 'par com.listen=value' command does not replace existing network listening names; it appends new listening names to the existing list.
tcp 1964
Defines the maximum length of a single physical network message in bytes; longer network messages will be split into smaller messages of this size.
OS dependent
RW/ Startup
A time period in seconds for how long the idle connections are kept open in the pool. Whenever the connection is used, the timer starts from zero.
Valid values range from 0-3600.
This parameter is associated with server-maintained remote connections used to execute Remote Stored Procedures in advanced replication.
Unit: 1 second
Number of remote connections in the connection pool. These are the connections that are used to execute the remote procedure calls. For performance reasons, we can keep the connections open in the pool for a specified time. If the pool becomes full, and there is call for a node that doesn't exist in the pool, then that call is blocked until there is room in the pool.
Valid values range from 1-1000.
This parameter is associated with server-maintained remote connections used to execute Remote Stored Procedures in advanced replication.
RPC timeout for remote connections. Default is 0 (no timeout).
This parameter is associated with server-maintained remote connections used to execute Remote Stored Procedures in advanced replication.
Unit 1 millisecond
Sets the buffer size in bytes for the data read from the network
OS dependent
RW/ Startup
This parameter controls the TCP socket option SO_LINGER. It indicates if the system attempts to deliver any buffered data (yes), or if the system discards it (no), when a close() is issued. The parameter affects all server side connections, including advanced replication and HotStandby.
RW/ Startup
This parameter defines the length of the time interval (in seconds) the socket lingers after a close is issued. If the time interval expires before the graceful shutdown sequence completes, an abortive shutdown sequence occurs (the data is discarded). The default value zero indicates that the system default is used (typically, 1 second)
RW/ Startup
This parameter can only be used on Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris platforms. On other platforms, the parameter has no effect.
If the client computer is rebooted, the connection status on the server side remains 'ESTABLISHED'. You can set the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option with this parameter.
See also parameters TcpKeepAliveIdleTime, TcpKeepAliveProbeCount and TcpKeepAliveProbeInterval.
RW/ Startup
This parameter can only be used on Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris platforms. On other platforms, the parameter has no effect.
This parameter controls the TCP_KEEPIDLE socket option. If the SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled with the TcpKeepAlive parameter, TCP sends a keepalive probe to the remote system of a connection that has been idle for a period of time. If the remote system does not respond to the keepalive probe, TCP retransmits a keepalive probe for a certain number of times before a connection is considered to be broken. TCP_KEEPIDLE specifies the number of seconds before TCP will send the initial keepalive probe.
See also parameters TcpKeepAlive, TcpKeepAliveProbeCount and TcpKeepAliveProbeInterval.
RW/ Startup
This parameter can only be used on Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris platforms. On other platforms, the parameter has no effect.
This parameter controls the TCP_KEEPCNT socket option. If the SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled with the TcpKeepAlive parameter, TCP sends a keepalive probe to the remote system of a connection that has been idle for a period of time. If the remote system does not respond to the keepalive probe, TCP retransmits a keepalive probe for a certain number of times before a connection is considered to be broken. The TCP_KEEPCNT option specifies the maximum number of keepalive probes to be sent.
See also parameters TcpKeepAlive, TcpKeepAliveIdleTime and TcpKeepAliveProbeInterval.
RW/ Startup
This parameter can only be used for Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris platforms. On other platforms, the parameter has no effect.
This parameter controls the TCP_KEEPINTVL socket option. If the SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled with the TcpKeepAlive parameter, TCP sends a keepalive probe to the remote system of a connection that has been idle for a period of time. If the remote system does not respond to the keepalive probe, TCP retransmits a keepalive probe for a certain number of times before a connection is considered to be broken. The TCP_KEEPINTVL option specifies the number of seconds to wait before retransmitting a keepalive probe.
See also parameters TcpKeepAlive, TcpKeepAliveIdleTime and TcpKeepAliveProbeCount.
RW/ Startup
If this parameter is set to yes, trace information about network messages for the established network connection is written to a file specified with the TraceFile parameter. The factory value for the TraceFile parameter is soltrace.out.
RW/ Startup
If the Trace parameter is set to yes, trace information about network messages is written to a file specified with this TraceFile parameter.
soltrace.out (written to the current working directory of the server or client depending on which end the tracing is started)
RW/ Startup
Sets the buffer size in bytes for the data written into the network
OS dependent
RW/ Startup
See also
Server-side configuration parameters