Administrator Guide : Server-side configuration parameters : Passthrough section
Passthrough section
Factory value
Access mode
This parameter specifies the minimum number of non-indexed WHERE clause constraints in a complex statement.
If a statement has less non-indexed constraints of the following type, the statement is not complex and it is not passed through to the back end: the WHERE clause constraint does not resolve with index, the index does not exist, or the optimizer chooses different index for constraint.
Value 0 (zero) means that number of non-indexed constraints is not used when estimating if the statement is complex.
This parameter is effective only when the passthrough mode is CONDITIONAL.
Use the performance counter Passthrough complex by num non indexed constraints to monitor the number of statements that are passed through when this parameter is set.
This parameter specifies the minimum estimated number of rows which must be sorted in a complex statement.
If a statement has less than the estimated number of sortable rows, the statement is not complex and it is not passed through to the back end.
Value 0 (zero) means that number of sortable rows is not used when estimating if the statement is complex.
This parameter is effective only when the passthrough mode is CONDITIONAL.
Use the performance counter Passthrough complex by num ordered rows to monitor the number of statements that are passed through when this parameter is set.
This parameter specifies the minimum number of tables in a complex statement.
If a statement has less tables than specified with this parameter, the statement is not complex and it is not passed through to the backend.
Value 0 (zero) means that number of tables is not used when estimating if the statement is complex.
This parameter is effective only when the passthrough mode is CONDITIONAL.
Use the performance counter Passthrough complex by num tables to monitor the number of statements that are passed through when this parameter is set.
Specifies the file path and file name for mapping backend native error codes to solidDB® error codes.
For example:
[Passthrough] ErrorMapFileName=myfiles/db2tosoliderrors.txt
If ErrorMapFileName is not defined or the error is not mapped, the native backend error codes are mapped to solidDB® error 13456 (Passthrough backend error: SQLState=<value>, NativeError=<backend error identifier>, MessageText=<backend error description>).
The entries in the mapping file have the following format:
<backend_error> <solidDB® error> ; rest of the line is comment
As in the solid.ini configuration file, semicolon can be used to add comments.
; this file maps DB2 native errors to
; solidDB® native errors
-207 13015 ; column not found
-407 13110 ; NULL not allowed for non NULL column
; end of errormappings
For more examples on the mapping files, see the samples/ sqlpassthrough directory in the solidDB® installation directory.
No factory value.
RW/ Startup
The Force32bitODBCHandles parameter is needed in 64-bit environments when the backend data server is DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows and the IBM Data Server Driver for CLI and ODBC is used with direct linking.
When set to yes, solidDB® server treats the ODBC handles as 32-bit integers instead of the 64-bit void pointers that are native on the 64-bit platforms.
RW/ Startup
The IgnoreOnDisabled parameter defines how the application program perceives the fact that passthrough is disabled. If the value is yes, all the statements related to passthrough (SET PASSTHROUGH ...) are ignored. If the value is no, an error is return on any effort to execute those statements.
Possible values are yes and no.
The PassthroughEnabled parameter defines whether SQL passthrough is enabled or not.
If passthrough is enabled but it cannot be initialized (for example, driver is not found), errors are returned on each effort to pass a statement to the backend.
If the backend server is shut down in a controlled way, the value of the PassthroughEnabled parameter can be set dynamically to no. The behavior exposed to the applications is then defined with the IgnoreOnDisabled parameter.
Possible values are yes and no.
RW/ Startup
The RemoteServerDriverPath parameter specifies the driver manager path or the driver path for the backend data server specific ODBC driver that solidDB® is linked to.
RW/ Startup
The RemoteServerDSN parameter specifies the data source name (if driver manager is used) or the connect string for the backend data server specific ODBC driver that solidDB® is linked to.
The connect string must in the format of the ODBC call SQLConnect(), as ServerNam.
RW/ Startup
The SqlPassthroughRead parameter defines how read statements are passed from the solidDB® server to the backend.
Possible values are 'None', 'Conditional', and 'Force'.
The SqlPassthroughWrite parameter defines how write statements are passed from the solidDB® server to the backend.
Possible values are none, conditional, and force.
See also
Server-side configuration parameters