High Availability Guide : HotStandby configuration parameters : Configuration file examples : The HAManager.ini configuration file
The HAManager.ini configuration file
Below is a sample excerpt of the High Availability Manager configuration file (HAManager.ini):
;** HA Controller connect info, for example
;Server1_name = Server 1
;Server1_host = node1.acme.com ;Server1_port = 2220 ;Server2_name = Server 2 ;Server2_host = node2.acme.com ;Server2_port = 2220
; All the following lines are mandatory.
Window_title = HA Manager
Header_text = solidDB® HA Manager
; Display names, host addresses and port numbers ; of the SolidHAC (HA Controllers) instances
;Server 1 HA Controller
Server1_name = Server 1
Server1_host = localhost
Server1_port = 1234
Server1_user = foo
Server1_pass = bar
;Server 2 HA Controller
Server2_name = Server 2
Server2_host =
Server2_port = 1234
Server2_user = foo
Server2_pass = bar
See also
Configuration file examples