Programmer Guide : solidDB® ODBC API : Getting started with solidDB® ODBC : Installing solidDB® ODBC Driver
Installing solidDB® ODBC Driver
The solidDB® installation program installs two ODBC Drivers: one for Unicode and one for ASCII. The Unicode version is a superset of the ASCII version; you can use it with either Unicode or ASCII character sets. On Windows environments, you can also use the solidDB® installation program to install only the ODBC driver.
In Windows environments, the solidDB® installation program installs the ODBC drivers and the following system Data Source Names (DSN) automatically. You can also add you own user DSNs.
Windows 32-bit operating systems:
– solidDB® 7.0 32-bit – ANSI
– solidDB® 7.0 32-bit – Unicode
Windows 64-bit operating systems:
– solidDB® 7.0 64-bit – ANSI
– solidDB® 7.0 64-bit – Unicode
Linux and UNIX
In Linux and UNIX environments, the ODBC driver library files are installed to the following directories:
<solidDB installation directory>/bin/: dynamic library files
sac<platform><version>.sa or sac<platform><version>.so – ANSI
soc<platform><version>.sa or soc<platform><version>.so – Unicode
<solidDB installation directory>/lib/: static library files
– or – ANSI
– or – Unicode
The file extension .sa or .so depends on the operating system.
Installing ODBC drivers without solidDB® installation (Windows)
To install the ODBC drivers without installing solidDB® in Windows environments:
1 Start the solidDB® installation program.
2 Select Custom installation.
3 Select ODBC (clear Server and Samples).
4 Follow the displayed instructions to complete the installation.
Installing ODBC drivers without solidDB® installation (Linux and UNIX)
To install the ODBC drivers without installing solidDB® in Linux and UNIX environments:
1 Install solidDB® using the installation program.
2 Copy the ODBC driver library file to your client node.
Related concepts
Using solidDB® ODBC Driver with unixODBC
Related tasks
Configuring the solidDB® ODBC Data Source for Windows
See also
Getting started with solidDB® ODBC