Programmer Guide : solidDB® ODBC API : Retrieving information about the data source's catalog
Retrieving information about the data source's catalog
This section describes functions (known as catalog functions) that return information about a data source's catalog.
SQLTables returns the names of tables stored in a data source.
SQLTablePrivileges returns the privileges associated with one or more tables.
SQLColumns returns the names of columns in one or more tables.
SQLColumnPrivileges returns the privileges associated with each column in a single table.
SQLPrimaryKeys returns the names of columns that comprise the primary key of a single table.
SQLForeignKeys returns the names of columns in a single table that are foreign keys. It also returns the names of columns in other tables that refer to the primary key of the specified table.
SQLSpecialColumns returns information about the optimal set of columns that uniquely identify a row in a single table or the columns in that table that are automatically updated when any value in the row is updated by a transaction.
SQLStatistics returns statistics about a single table and the indexes associated with that table.
SQLProcedures returns the names of procedures stored in a data source.
SQLProcedureColumns returns a list of the input and output parameters, as well as the names of columns in the resultset, for one or more procedures.
Each function returns the information as a resultset. An application retrieves these results by calling SQLBindCol() and SQLFetch().
Executing functions asynchronously
ODBC drivers in all solidDB® products do not support asynchronous execution.
See also