Programmer Guide : solidDB® ODBC API : Error text format
Error text format
Error messages returned by SQLError come from two sources: data sources and components in an ODBC connection. The error text must use a specific format depending of where the error is issued.
Typically, data sources do not directly support ODBC. Consequently, if a component in an ODBC connection receives an error message from a data source, it must identify the data source as the source of the error. It must also identify itself as the component that received the error.
If the source of an error is the component itself, the error message must explain this. Therefore, the error text returned by SQLError has two different formats: one for errors that occur in a data source and one for errors that occur in other components in an ODBC connection.
For errors that do not occur in a data source, the error text must use the format:
[vendor_identifier][ODBC_component_identifier] component_supplied_text
For errors that occur in a data source, the error text must use the format:
[data_source_identifier] data_source_supplied_text
The following table shows the meaning of each element.
Identifies the vendor of the component in which the error occurred or that received the error directly from the data source.
Identifies the component in which the error occurred or that received the error directly from the data source.
Identifies the data source. For single-tier drivers, this is typically a file format. For multiple-tier drivers, this is the DBMS product.
Generated by the ODBC component.
Generated by the data source.
Note The brackets ([ ]) are included in the error text; they do not indicate optional items.
Sample error messages
The following examples show how various components in an ODBC connection might generate the text of error messages and how solidDB® returns them to the application with SQLError.
Error message
General warning
Invalid connection string attribute
Client unable to establish connection
SQLSTATE values are strings that contain five characters; the first two are a class value, followed by a three-character subclass value. For example 01000 has 01 as its class value and 000 as its subclass value. Note that a subclass value of 000 means there is no subclass for that SQLSTATE. Class and subclass values are defined in SQL-92.
Class value
Indicates a warning and includes a return code of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.
Note Error class 01 returns both warnings and errors.
01, 07, 08, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 34, 3C, 3D, 3F, 40, 42, 44, HY
Indicates an error that includes a return value of SQL_ERROR.
Note Error class 01 returns both warnings and errors.
Indicates warning and errors that are derived from ODBC.
Related reference
SQLSTATE error codes
See also
Processing error messages