Programmer Guide : Data types
Data types
This section describes the ODBC data types.
ODBC defines the following sets of data types:
SQL data types, which indicate the data type of data stored at the data source (for example, the solidDB® server).
C data types, which indicate the data type of data stored in application buffers.
Each SQL data type corresponds to an ODBC C data type. Before returning data from the data source, the driver converts it to the specified C data type. Before sending data to the data source, the driver converts it from the specified C data type.
For information about driver-specific SQL data types, see the driver's documentation.
See also
SQL data type overview
C data types
Data type identifiers
SQL data types
C data types
Numeric literals
Overriding default precision and scale for numeric data types
Data type identifiers and descriptors
Decimal digits
Transfer octet length
Constraints of the Gregorian calendar
Converting data from SQL to C data types
Data conversion tables from SQL to C
SQL to C data conversion examples
Converting data from C to SQL data types
Data conversion tables from C to SQL
C to SQL data conversion examples