Programmer Guide : Scalar functions : SQL-92 CAST function
SQL-92 CAST function
The ODBC CONVERT function has an equivalent function in SQL-92: the CAST function.
The syntax for these equivalent functions is as follows::
{ fn CONVERT (value_exp, data_type)} /* ODBC */
CAST (value_exp AS data_type) /* SQL 92 */
Support for the CAST function is at the FIPS Transitional level. For details on data type conversion in the CAST function, see the SQL-92 specification.
To determine application support for the CAST function, call SQLGetInfo with the SQL_SQL_CONFORMANCE information type. The CAST function is supported if the return value for the information type is:
If the return value is SQL_SC_ENTRY or 0, call SQLGetInfo with the SQL_SQL92_VALUE_EXPRESSIONS information type. If the SQL_SVE_CAST bit is set, the CAST function is supported.
See also
Scalar functions