Programmer Guide : Client-side configuration parameters : Client section
Client section
Client parameters
Factory Value
This parameter specifies how many result rows are sent (pre-fetched) to the client driver in response to the SQLExecute call with a SELECT statement. The result rows are subsequently returned to the application with the first SQLFetch calls issued by the application. The value 2 allows for prefetching of single-row results. If your SELECT statements usually return larger number of rows, setting this to an appropriate value can improve performance significantly.
See also the RowsPerMessage parameter.
decided by the server
This parameter defines the path to the directory where the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) library is located. To connect an externally authenticated user, the client must be able to load the GSKit library from the location defined with this parameter.
The value of the parameter must be a valid path. For example:
GSKitPath="C:\Program Files\solidDB7.0\bin"
Tip: If the path contains a white space, enclose the path in double quotation marks.
See also Client.UseGSKit.
If set to yes, the Windows runtime error dialog is not shown. This parameter is relevant to the Windows platform only.
Defines the binding method for character data.
The options are:
raw (binary)
locale (the current client locale is used)
locale:<locale name> (specific code page is used)
The convention for <locale name> depends on the operating system. For example, in Linux environments, the locale name for the code page GB18030 in Chinese/China is zh_CN.gb18030. In Windows environments, the locale name for Latin1 code page in Finnish/Finland is fin_fin.1252.
The value raw can be used when you want your database to use the binding used in the 6.3 or earlier versions of solidDB®.
This parameter switches ODBC handle validation on or off.
See also “ODBC handle validation” in solidDB® Programmer Guide for more information about the SQL_ATTR_HANDLE_VALIDATION ODBC attribute.
Specifies the number of rows returned from the server in one network message when an SQLFetch call is executed (and there are no pre-fetched rows).
See also the ExecRowsPerMessage parameter.
decided by the server
Statement cache is an internal memory storing a few previously prepared SQL statements. With this parameter, you can set the number of cached statements per session.
This parameter defines whether passwords are encrypted using DES encryption. If set to no, passwords are not encrypted.
This parameter defines whether IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) is used for encryption of passwords for client connections. If set to no, passwords are not encrypted using GSKit.
Note To encrypt password using GSKit, the GSKit must be enabled on the client computer.
See also
Client-side configuration parameters