SQL Guide : SQL extensions : Triggers : Triggers – principles of operation
Triggers – principles of operation
In solidDB®'s DML execution model, thesolidDB® server performs a number of validation checks before executing data manipulation statements (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE). Following is the execution order for data validation, trigger execution, and integrity constraint checking for a single DML statement.
1 Validate values if they are part of the statement (that is, not bound). This includes null value checking, data type checking (such as numeric), and so on.
2 Perform table level security checks.
3 Loop for each row affected by the SQL statement. For each row perform these actions in this order:
a Perform column level security checks.
b Fire BEFORE row trigger.
c Validate values if they are bound in. This includes null value checks, data type checking, and size checking (for example, checking if the character string is too long).
Note: Size checking is performed even for values that are not bound.
e Fire AFTER ROW trigger
4 Commit statement
a Perform concurrency conflict checks.
b Perform checks for duplicate values.
c Perform referential integrity checks on invoking DML.
Note A trigger itself can cause the DML to be executed, which applies to the steps shown in the above model.
See also