SQL Guide : Functions
A function is an operation that is denoted by a function name followed by a pair of parentheses enclosing the specification of arguments (there may be no arguments). In addition to built-in functions, solidDB® supports both internal and external user-defined stored functions.
Built-in functions are provided within the database engine.
User-defined functions are registered to the database using the CREATE FUNCTION statement. There are two types of user-defined functions:
User-defined stored functions can be written in the solidDB® proprietary SQL procedure language.
User-defined external stored functions can be written in C programming language. The external stored functions are loaded at runtime using standard dynamic library interfaces as provided by the operating system. External stored functions enable you to expand the server functionality by writing a C program.
Related reference
See also
String functions
Numeric functions
Date time functions
System functions
Miscellaneous functions
Advanced replication functions
Trigger functions