Universal Cache User Guide : IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference : Installing IBM InfoSphere CDC : Installing IBM InfoSphere CDC using an interactive installation
Installing IBM InfoSphere CDC using an interactive installation
You can install IBM InfoSphere CDC on a Windows server or an UNIX or Linux server.
To install IBM InfoSphere CDC (Windows)
1 Double-click the installation file. The IBM InfoSphere CDC installation wizard opens.
2 Click Next.
3 If you agree to the license terms, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and then click Next.
4 Select the folder where you want to install IBM InfoSphere CDC and click Next.
5 If you have a previous installation of IBM InfoSphere CDC, the installation will prompt you to upgrade the installation. Click OK to upgrade the installation.
6 Select the location for the product icons and click Next.
7 Review the installation summary and click Install.
8 Optionally, select Launch Configuration Tool to launch the configuration tool after the installation. The configuration tool allows you to add an instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC.
9 Click Done to exit the installation.
To install IBM InfoSphere CDC (UNIX and Linux)
About this task
If you have X-Windows installed, the installation program will launch the configuration tool in a graphical environment. The configuration process is similar to Windows except you do not have to start and stop instances.
1 Log on to the account you set up for IBM InfoSphere CDC.
2 Copy the IBM InfoSphere CDC installation file for your Linux platform.
3 Make the installation program executable.
4 Run the installation program by typing the name of the installation file.
5 Press Enter on the Introduction screen to display the license agreement. Follow the instructions on the screen to navigate through the license agreement.
6 To accept the license agreement, type 1.
7 Type the absolute path to your installation directory or press Enter to accept the default.
The directory that you specify must be owned by the account you are using for the installation. If the installation program cannot create the directory, you are prompted to specify a different directory.
8 Review the installation summary. Press Enter to start the installation.
After completing the installation, IBM InfoSphere CDC gives you the option of launching the configuration tool for IBM InfoSphere CDC.
9 Type 1 to launch the configuration tool.
See also
Installing IBM InfoSphere CDC