Universal Cache User Guide : IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference : Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC : Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC instances (UNIX and Linux)
Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC instances (UNIX and Linux)
You can add, edit, or delete an instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC. Use the IBM InfoSphere CDC configuration tool to work with instances.
To add a new instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC (UNIX and Linux)
1 If you are configuring the first instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC after installation, you can proceed to Step 3 of this procedure.
2 At the command prompt, launch the configuration tool by issuing the following command in the specified directory:
/<IBM InfoSphere CDC Installation Directory>/bin/dmconfigurets
3 At the welcome message, press Enter to continue.
4 Type 2 and press Enter to add a new instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC.
5 Type a name for your IBM InfoSphere CDC instance and press Enter. The instance name must be unique.
6 Type the port number which IBM InfoSphere CDC uses for communication with client workstations running Management Console and other servers. IBM InfoSphere CDC displays a default port of 11101. Press Enter.
This port number cannot be used by other applications installed on the same server. You will use this port number when specifying access parameters for your datastore in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console. For more information, see your Management Console documentation.
If you install several instances on the same node, the port number for each instance must be unique.
7 If you are using the auto-discovery feature in Access Manager, then enable the this feature by typing the UDP port number that you set in Access Server. IBM InfoSphere CDC uses this UDP port number for auto-discovery broadcasts sent from Access Server. Otherwise, press Enter to disable this feature.
8 Type the amount of physically available RAM you want to allocate for IBM InfoSphere CDC. You must allocate a minimum of 64 MB for each instance you configure. By default, there is 512 MB of RAM allocated for a 32 bit instance and 1024 MB of RAM allocated for a 64 bit instance.
9 Select the solidDB® server configuration type you want to configure.
Single server
Type 1 and press Enter.
HA Configuration (HotStandby)
Type 2 and press Enter.
10 Type the host name and port number according to your configuration type.
Single server
Type the host name for the specified server and press Enter.
Type the port number for the specified server and press Enter. Default is 1964.
HA Configuration (HotStandby)
Type the host name for the specified Primary server and press Enter.
Type the port number for the specified Primary server and press Enter. Default is 1964.
Type the host name for the specified Secondary server and press Enter.
Type the port number for the specified Secondary server and press Enter. Default is 1964.
The default port number for Primary and Secondary is the same as it is assumed that the Primary and Secondary are located on different nodes. If, for example, for evaluation purposes, your Primary and Secondary servers are located on the same node, the default port number for both cannot be the same.
11 Select to enable the use of solidDB® with shared memory access (SMA) as necessary.
Use default settings
Type n and press Enter.
Enable SMA
Type y and press Enter.
12 Configure advanced parameters (JDBC parameters) as necessary.
Use default settings
Type n and press Enter.
Modify settings
Type y and press Enter. Enter the parameter settings using the syntax
In HA setup, the parameter solid_tf_level is by default set to CONNECTION.
In SMA setup, the parameter solid_shared_memory is by default set to yes.
To enable use of operating-system-based external authentication, set this property:
13 Type the user name for the specified database and press Enter.
14 Type the password for the specified database and press Enter. The configuration tool will now search the database for schemas.
15 Type the number that corresponds to the metadata schema that you would like to use and press Enter.
16 Type the path to the directory that will be used for bulk inserts into the
database. Press Enter. Both your solidDB® database and IBM InfoSphere CDC must have read and write permissions for this directory.
You should use a different directory for each instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC.
This directory may contain database tables for replication. You should take this into consideration when determining user access to this directory.
17 If IBM InfoSphere CDC detects an unsupported encoding, an error message will be displayed and you will be asked to choose an alternate encoding.
a Enter y to proceed.
If you enter n and press Enter to cancel, the instance will not be created.
b Enter a value to choose how the alternate encodings will be displayed:
1—Displays the available alternate encodings that are the closest match to the database.
2—Displays the available alternate encodings in order of byte length.
3—Displays all available alternate encodings.
c Enter the number for the encoding to be used and press Enter.
18 The configuration tool creates the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance and prompts you to start the instance. Type y to start the instance.
Note The configuration tool will prompt you if your configuration is about to overwrite the metadata for an existing instance.
To edit an instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC (UNIX and Linux) Procedure
1 Stop IBM InfoSphere CDC if it is started by using the dmshutdown command.
2 Launch the configuration tool by issuing the following command in the specified directory:
/<IBM InfoSphere CDC Installation Directory>/bin/dmconfigurets
3 Type 1 and press Enter to list the installed instances of IBM InfoSphere CDC. Record the name of the instance you want to modify.
4 Type 3 and press Enter to modify an instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC.
5 Type the instance name that you want to modify and press Enter.
The configuration tool allows you to edit a number of values that you specified when adding an instance.
6 After making your changes, type 5 and press Enter to apply your changes and
return to the main menu. Type 6 and press Enter to discard your changes.
To delete an instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC (UNIX and Linux) Procedure
1 Stop IBM InfoSphere CDC if it is started by using the dmshutdown command.
2 Launch the configuration tool by issuing the following command in the specified directory:
/<IBM InfoSphere CDC Installation Directory>/bin/dmconfigurets
3 Type 1 and press Enter to list the installed instances of IBM InfoSphere CDC. Record the name of the instance you want to delete.
4 Type 4 and press Enter to delete an instance of IBM InfoSphere CDC.
5 Type the instance name that you want to delete and press Enter.
See also
Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC