Universal Cache User Guide : IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference : IBM InfoSphere CDC metadata tables
IBM InfoSphere CDC metadata tables
IBM InfoSphere CDC maintains a set of tables that represent data about your current replication configuration. These tables are created in the schema and database that you specify in the configuration tool and should be part of the backup strategy for your database. IBM InfoSphere CDC will not replicate these tables. Do not modify the contents of these tables unless requested to do so by your local support representative.
The names of the metadata tables created by IBM InfoSphere CDC are as follows:
For all users you added in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console, make sure you give GRANT SELECT privileges to the TS_AUTH metadata table. For more information about how to add users in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console, see your Management Console documentation.
The conflict resolution audit table records information about conflicts that were resolved using conflict detection and resolution.
This metadata table is specific to IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB®. It maintains information about the aging status of tables in the solidDB® frontend.
This metadata table is specific to IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB®. It maintains information about the refresh status of data in the solidDB® frontend.
See also
IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference