Universal Cache User Guide : IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference : Database transaction log commands : dmsetbookmark: Set bookmark
dmsetbookmark: Set bookmark
Use this command on your IBM InfoSphere CDC source system to set the replication position (bookmark) in the stream of change data for a subscription. You can obtain the replication position for a subscription with the dmshowbookmark command, which is executed on your IBM InfoSphere CDC target system. More information on the IBM InfoSphere CDC stream of change data is provided in the following paragraphs.
IBM InfoSphere CDC parses the data from your database logs and creates a stream of change data to process on the source and eventually apply on the target. The stream of change data is sorted in the order in which the data was committed in the source database, whereas the data in your database logs is sorted in the order in which the individual action was done in the source database.
For example, two transactions named T1 and T2 may be ordered like this in your source database log:
T1: Insert1 T2: Insert1 T2: Insert2 T2: Commit T1: Commit
As you can see, data is sorted in the database log according to when the individual action was done in your source database.
However, the IBM InfoSphere CDC stream of change data will order the two transactions like this:
T2: Insert1 T2: Insert2 T2: Commit T1: Insert1 T1: Commit
Data is sorted according to when the data is committed in your source database.
dmsetbookmark [-I <INSTANCE_NAME>] -s <SUBSCRIPTION_NAME ...> (-b <bookmark> | -f <bookmark_file_name>) [-a] [-L <locale>]
The name of the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance. You can set the TSINSTANCE environment variable to the name of your IBM InfoSphere CDC instance. After this is complete, you no longer have to specify the instance when issuing commands.
The name of the subscription for which IBM InfoSphere CDC sets a bookmark.
-b <bookmark>
Indicates the name of the binary or XML file that contains all replication position (bookmark) information which determines the point in the database log where you want IBM InfoSphere CDC to resume mirroring. When mirroring resumes, IBM InfoSphere CDC will start capturing change data at the replication position indicated in the file. You can specify an absolute path for the location of the file. If you do not specify an absolute path, you must place the file in the IBM InfoSphere CDC installation directory. IBM InfoSphere CDC will auto-detect the binary or XML format of the file.
Specifies the bookmark which determines the point in the database log where you want IBM InfoSphere CDC to resume mirroring. The next time IBM InfoSphere CDC mirrors, it will scrape at the given position. The bookmark is a hex encoded string that is obtained from the dmshowbookmark command.
-l <bookmark>
Bookmark indicating the new scraping point. The bookmark is a string obtained from the dmdecodebookmark command.
-f <bookmark_file>
Specifies the binary file containing a bookmark which determines the point in the database log where you want IBM InfoSphere CDC to resume mirroring. The next time IBM InfoSphere CDC mirrors, it will scrape at the given position. The bookmark file is a binary file that stores the position.
Sets all tables in the subscriptions (except for parked tables) as active as of the new scraping point.
-L <locale>
The name of the locale used for the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance. The default is the locale of the machine where IBM InfoSphere CDC is installed.
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a non-zero value if the command fails
IBM InfoSphere CDC sets a bookmark position on the Finance subscription for the specified instance. This command specifies that mirroring will resume at the indicated position in the database log.
See also
Database transaction log commands