Universal Cache User Guide : IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference : Managing tables for replication commands : dmmarktablecapturepoint: Mark a table capture point on a source table
dmmarktablecapturepoint: Mark a table capture point on a source table
Use this command to mark a table capture point on a source table and move the table to active state. If you changed the table before executing this command, those changes will not be replicated.
Mark a table capture point on a source table when you want to override an existing position in the stream of changed data. This is possible when you have already synchronized (refreshed) your source and target tables using an application other than Management Console (for example, using the import or export capabilities of your database platform) and you know the point in time your source and target are synchronized with each other. IBM InfoSphere CDC mirrors changes to the target table from the current position in the stream of changed data. This position is set by IBM InfoSphere CDC when you select Mirror (Change Data Capture) after mapping your tables in the Map Tables wizard. If you want to override the position set by IBM InfoSphere CDC, then you can manually mark a table capture point in Management Console. When you decide to start mirroring on the subscription, IBM InfoSphere CDC identifies the position you have set as the point in time from which to capture and replicate database changes to the target.
dmmarktablecapturepoint -I <instance_name> -s <subscription_names> <-A|-t <schema>.<table> ...> [-L <locale>]
-I <instance_name>
Specifies the name of the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance. Alternatively, you can specify the TSINSTANCE environment variable in place of this value.
-s <subscription_names>
Specifies the subscription name. List the subscriptions if you specify more than one.
Specifies that IBM InfoSphere CDC overrides an existing position in the stream of changed data on all source tables in the subscription.
-t <schema>.<table>
Specifies the name of a source table in the subscription on which IBM InfoSphere CDC marks a table capture point. You must specify the table name in the format schema.table. List the tables if you specify more than one.
-L <locale>
The name of the locale used for the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance. The default is your machine’s locale.
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a non-zero value if the command fails.
dmmarktablecapturepoint -I myinstance -s Finance -A
IBM InfoSphere CDC overrides an existing position in the stream of changed data on all source tables in the Finance subscription.
dmmarktablecapturepoint -I myinstance -s Finance -t myschema.mytable
IBM InfoSphere CDC moves the specified table to active in the Finance subscription.
See also
Managing tables for replication commands