Universal Cache User Guide : IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference : Monitoring replication commands : dmshowevents: Display IBM InfoSphere CDC events
dmshowevents: Display IBM InfoSphere CDC events
Use this command to display IBM InfoSphere CDC events to standard output. You can use this command as an alternative to showing IBM InfoSphere CDC events in the Event Log view in Management Console.
The output of this command shows events in chronological order with the most recent event shown first in the list.
dmshowevents -I <instance_name> <-a|-s <subscription> ... |-t <source_ID> ...|-s <subscription> ... -t <source_ID> ...> [-h] [‑c max_msg] [-L <locale>]
dmshowevents -I <instance_name> <-a|-s <subscription>|-t <source_ID>> ...> [-h] [-c max_msg] [-L <locale>]
-I <instance_name>
Specifies the name of the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance. Alternatively, you can specify the TSINSTANCE environment variable in place of this value.
Specifies that IBM InfoSphere CDC shows events for all subscriptions.
-s <subscription>
Specifies the name of the source subscription for which IBM InfoSphere CDC shows events. List the subscriptions if you specify more than one.
-t <source_ID>
Specifies the source ID for which IBM InfoSphere CDC shows events. List the source IDs if you specify more than one.
Specifies that IBM InfoSphere CDC displays a header before the list of events. This option helps you identify each item of information that is displayed for each event.
-c ax_msg
Specifies the maximum number of events that IBM InfoSphere CDC displays. If you omit this parameter or you specify a value greater than the total number of events, IBM InfoSphere CDC displays all events for the specified subscriptions and/or source IDs.
Minimum setting: 0. No events are shown.
Maximum setting: 2147483647
-L <locale>
The name of the locale used for the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance. The default is the locale of the machine where IBM InfoSphere CDC is installed.
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a non-zero value if the command fails.
dmshowevents -I new_instance -s Finance
IBM InfoSphere CDC displays all events for the Finance subscription for the specified instance.
dmshowevents -I myinstance –a –h
IBM InfoSphere CDC displays all events for all subscriptions. A header is displayed before the list of events for the specified instance.
dmshowevents -I newinstance –s Finance –t Atlanta –s Marketing –h –c 20 dmshowevents -I myinstance –s Finance Marketing –t Atlanta –h –c 20
IBM InfoSphere CDC displays the most recent 20 events for the Finance and Marketing subscriptions and for the Atlanta source ID. A header is displayed before the list of events for the specified instance.
Sample output
2006-04-21 17:23:08.817|T|ATLANTA|95|Information|class com.datamirror.ts.target. publication.c|Transformation Server Communications ending.
2006-04-21 17:23:08.614|T|ATLANTA|1538|Information|class com.datamirror.ts.target. publication.c|---Transformation Server for ATLANTA terminating normally.
2006-04-21 17:23:08.333|T|ATLANTA|1537|Information|class com.datamirror.ts.target. publication.c|Describe conversation with ATLANTA completed successfully.
2006-04-21 17:23:07.911|T|ATLANTA|1536|Information|class com.datamirror.ts.target. publication.c|Describe conversation started by ATLANTA.
2006-04-21 17:23:07.333|T|ATLANTA|1531|Information|class com.datamirror.ts.target. publication.c|Communication with ATLANTA successfully started on Data channel.
2006-04-21 17:23:06.973|T|ATLANTA|1534|Information|class com.datamirror.ts.engine.a |Code page conversation from the source database’s code page 1252 to the target database’s code page Cp1252 for ATLANTA will be performed by the Remote system
Fields in each record are separated by vertical bars ( | ). These fields are identified in the first line of the output. In the EVENTSOURCE field, S indicates source and T indicates target.
See also
Monitoring replication commands