Universal Cache User Guide : IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® reference : System parameters for IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® : Notification system parameters
Notification system parameters
Notification system parameters let you control if you should generate IBM InfoSphere CDC messages in the Event Log for specific events.
Use this system parameter to control the maximum number of events that IBM InfoSphere CDC will store in the event log. If IBM InfoSphere CDC generates more events than the specified maximum, then the earliest events will be deleted.
Default setting: 10000
Minimum setting: -1
Maximum setting: 2147483647
Use this system parameter to specify the duration, in minutes, of communication inactivity before active IBM InfoSphere CDC processes for a subscription are stopped. If a value outside the acceptable range is specified, the default setting is used.
Applies to: Source
Default setting: 15 minutes
Minimum setting: 3 minutes
Maximum setting: 999 minutes
Use this system parameter to control whether or not IBM InfoSphere CDC generates a warning in the Management Console Event Log in the following situations:
Data conversion is not possible for a specific data value.
Converted data types are encountered that are out of range.
Set this parameter to one of the following:
true—generates a warning in the Event Log if data conversion is not possible for a specific data value or converted data types are encountered that are out of range.
false—does not generate a warning in the Event Log if data conversion is not possible for a specific data value or converted data types are encountered that are out of range.
Applies to: Target
Default setting: False
Use this system parameter when you want IBM InfoSphere CDC to generate a warning message in the Event Log to identify possible problems with data transformations on the target table. When this system parameter is enabled, data transformations that meet the criteria for warnings are logged to the Event Log. For example, IBM InfoSphere CDC will generate a warning if it had to truncate data in a column with variable length encoding in order to fit it into the target column.
Each time you restart IBM InfoSphere CDC, IBM InfoSphere CDC will generate one warning for each column in a table even if the conversions may be different each time. You should check the Event Log for new warnings related to data conversion to ensure data consistency between your source and target tables.
Note This system parameter applies only when the convert_not_nullable_column parameter has been set to true.
Set this parameter to one of the following:
true—Generates a warning message in the Event Log the first time an issue is detected on a per column per table basis.
false—No warning message is generated in the Event Log.
Applies to: Target
Default setting: True
See also
System parameters for IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB®