Universal Cache User Guide : Setting up caching : Setting up caching with Management Console : Key concepts for setting up caching with Management Console
Key concepts for setting up caching with Management Console
Setting up caching with the IBM InfoSphere CDC Management Console requires the implementation of replication subscriptions between the cache and the backend database.
A subscription defines the replication direction and various replication rules. The subscriptions also maintain the state of replication, indicating whether or not replication is in progress.
The application and deployment needs dictate the direction of the subscriptions between a source and target datastore. In the IBM InfoSphere CDC replication solution, a datastore is the representation of a database and the related IBM InfoSphere CDC instance.
The cache and backend can act as both source and target data stores in different subscriptions. There can also be several subscriptions between two data stores; multiple subscriptions can be used to partition the data and workload.
Data stores and subscriptions are created and managed with the Management Console or the dmcreatedatastore and dmsubscriptionmanager command-line tools.
See also
Setting up caching with Management Console